Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The officially amazing post of day two. We woke up horribly early in the morning to go to a lecture/activity/tour thing by Jason Grant and Austin Smith at three different sites. The first site was Shitike Creek which was one of the creeks moved into a flooding canal away from the town in the 1960s by the U.S. Army and BIA. It had recently been reconstructed into a natural creek to encourage endangered fish to come back and spawn. The construction took 6 weeks and was partly funded by the Bonneville Dam. It was about 3/4s of a mile and cost a whopping $544k. The second site was the middle of the woods to see if we could spot some Mule Deer. We learned about tracking collars, decreasing Mule Deer population, and the wild horse (over)population problem. I stand by my opinion of hunting the wild horses instead of the deer to fix the population problems. The third site was a flood-plane that was destroyed by man-made berms where salmon used to spawn. It was a project for next year to take out a few of the berms and encourage the salmon to come back; it will cost just under one point two million dollars. After that we went swimming, it's not an environmental field trip without learning what it' like to be salmon. Bandwagon had dinner duty, I managed to stir two huge pots of chile at the same time. Good times.

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